Silent Reviews

December 29, 2008 · Print This Article

Batman Begins – Kind of…
Get Smart – Yes
CDG Airport – No (it bears repeating)
Wii Sports Bowling w/ family – Yes

Silent Reviews

December 22, 2008 · Print This Article

Cloverfield – Yes
Shrek the Halls – No
Tropic Thunder – Yes
Ghost Town – No
Air France inter continental flights – Yes
CDG Airport – No

Okay, usually these are supposed to be “silent” reviews of whatever I’ve watched (or experienced) in the last week, without further explanation. But I just have to add a quick note about the current Air France entertainment center: it’s about as good for in-flight entertainment as it gets. They already had individual screens for every seat a few years ago, with select movies and games that people could chose at their leisure. But these days they have an entire library of movies to choose from. Iron Man, Indy 4, The Dark Knight, all Harry Potter installments, etc. pp. At least 50 movies, and all of them are in the original, unedited(!) version. And various games and TV series on top of that. That’s pretty damn cool.

Sure, air travel in economy seats is still a bitch, and Charles De Gaulle airport never ceases to annoy. But I had quite an enjoyable time during our flight.

Silent Reviews

December 15, 2008 · Print This Article

Playstation Home – No
Hancock (1st half) – Yes
Hancock (2nd half) – No
The Shawshank Redemption (Blu-ray) – Yes
How I Met Your Mother, Season 1 – Yes

Silent Reviews

December 8, 2008 · Print This Article

Prince Caspian (Blu-ray) -Yes
The Elfish GeneYes
Symphonic ShadesYes
Mamma Mia! (movie) – NO
Bridge To Terabithia (Blu-ray) – Yes
Hellboy (Blu-ray) – Yes
NASCAR Awards Banquet – No

Silent Reviews

December 1, 2008 · Print This Article

Hellboy II (Blu-ray) – Yes
Australia (Trailers) – No
AT&T “thumbfaces” texting commercialNo
Valkyrie (Trailer) – Maybe
Pinks All Out in SonomaYes
Kota, The TriceratopsYes

Silent Reviews

November 24, 2008 · Print This Article

Kung Fu Panda (DVD) – Yes
Star Trek XI Trailer -  Maybe
Wall•E (Blu-ray) – Yes
Playstation Home – Maybe
Bailout for US Auto Makers – No

I stole the format from Charlie’s page, which is currently in reconstruction mode (so I can’t link to his previous Silent Reviews). I’ll probably do one every Monday, to quickly comment on any media and events that didn’t warrant a full post.